Tuesday, August 28, 2012

24 hrs.... 13 people... ONE... Survivor!

As I mentioned in the last post, we were just minding our own business, watching a video of Survivor highlights and someone started pounding on the door. To our surprise there stood Jeff Probst, the host of Survivor. He told us we had been selected to appear on the next seasons show and it was starting NOW! We were told to grab anything ESSENTIAL we might need over night (not pillows and blankets, etc.) and to meet him out front in five minutes. We were then escorted to Gramma Luvlee Island where the sun was just setting. I thought the kid's might be a little freaked out because all this came as a complete surprise to them, but they were SOOO excited!

Jeff handed out the buffs and explained how they would work as teams.

This was our logo -used on Jeff's cap and the flags

The Red Team Buff up

The "Buff" blue team

Jeff explained how each season of Survivor names the teams from the language of a tribe on the island. In our case we chose the Apache language. The red team was Gosnih-Apache for bee, an insect found on the island. The blue team was called Golizhi-Apache for skunk, also found on the island and something they needed to be aware of as they trekked off to the bathroom at night!

To acquire their supplies, each member of the tribes had to stand in a large circle. At a signal each one grabbed a small muslin bag and ran back to their spot to read it out loud.

On the next round they had to put down their bag. They could then take a bag from the other tribe or grab another bag from the center. Their shelter and creature comforts were all contained in those little bags so some members guarded coveted items. Included in the supplies were: tarps, ropes, lantern, TP, flashlight, tent stakes, hammer, blankets, pillows, shovel & black plastic (for the potty), cookies, candy & gum. As expected the little guys went straight for those last items!

Unloading supplies

Some tribe members paid close attention to the Survivor Video and realized that they could sneak supplies when no one was watching, hence the look of defeat on Korbi's face when she realized their shovel went missing!

After all was said and done both teams came together
and shared all the supplies, even the goodies!

Two of the dad's came early to supervise the shelter building
and to stay on the island overnight.Yeah for them!!!
(They had their own camp apart from the tribes. Far enough away that the
 tribes felt independent but close enough for comfort if needed!)

We took the four littlest campers home after building the shelters (TOO SCARY!)
and we brought back pillows, blankets and snacks to our Survivors because they were such
good sports about the whole roughing it thing.

Trying out the shelter

We made it through the night!

They had a blast and want to camp out again next year!

Happy campers are we having fun beneath the trees!
Camp GrammaLuvlee, Camp GrammaLuvlee, Camp GrammaLuvlee, CAMP!!!

More Later!
Gramma Luvlee

1 comment:

  1. What a great night! Especially because I didn't have to sleep there! :) Hehe!
